In 2016, the story of T1 Glass began when three friends united to share their expertise, knowledge, and skills, setting out to make a remarkable impact on the world. This trio embarked on a transformative journey that would lead to T1 Glass becoming a distinguished solutions provider for acoustic partition systems, based in Singapore.
Over the years, we have played a pivotal role in reshaping the landscape of the corporate real estate (CRE) industry.
Acoustic Specialist
As experts in the field of acoustics, T1 Glass committed itself to creating acoustic partition systems that were not just products but transformative solutions. We take great pride in our team of highly qualified acoustic specialists, who are always prepared to deliver the most suitable solutions to meet our clients’ unique acoustical requirements, contributing to the success of their corporate real estate endeavors.
Regional Presence
Our journey has taken us far beyond our humble beginnings. We’ve ventured into the ASEAN region, establishing a prominent presence across diverse industries, including coworking environments, biomedical offices, the finance and logistics sectors, food and beverage sector, and the tech and security industry.
With an impressive portfolio that spans over 400 projects and continues to grow, we’ve been instrumental in shaping and enriching these environments.
Community Involvement
Our commitment to our community is unwavering. Even in the face of challenges brought about by the pandemic, we’ve remained dedicated to making a positive impact through various community initiatives. Notable among these is our involvement with the Singapore Interior Design Awards in both 2020 and 2021, our support for Food From The Heart 2021, and our active participation with CoreNet Global [Singapore Chapter’ in 2019 and 2020.
Reflecting on this Remarkable Journey
We are inspired by the words of Gerry Lee, MCR, Regional Director, who said, “The journey of T1 Glass begins with a single step, with the vision to transform the dreams of future workplaces into reality.” With each step we take, we are committed to shaping the future of corporate real estate, one innovative solution at a time.